Annual meeting called to order on March 27, 2001 at 1720, at the Rational Software Conference Center by President Jim Dunion.

Old Business

- Review of previous meeting's minutes, motion to accept them as is by Jim Dunion with a second by Lewis White, motion passed unanimously.
- Eric Piatt motioned to accept the Election Committee recommendation endorsing the following candidates for re-election to their respective posts as follows:
President - Jim Dunion
Vice President - Kevin Pease
Director of Membership - Karen Brown
Director of Events - Chris Chalifoux
Director of Communications - Lewis White

The motion passed unanimously.

- Updates to the groups web site include the following:
ClearCase 4.1 presentation from the January meeting is now available.
Some additional information from Baydel is available. Information from Jim Herron of Island Training about Perl Env Variables and Xlsvtree will soon to be posted.

- Updates to Penguin's CM Job web site include the following:
CM related job postings have been averaging at a rate of 2 to 3 per week.

New Business

- Election of Officers
Motion was unanimously accepted, by voice vote, for the election of all current board members nominated by the Election Committee.
As a result, the Board of Directors of the BMRCCUG for the year 2001 are as follows:

President - Jim Dunion
Vice President - Kevin Pease
Director of Membership - Karen Brown
Director of Events - Chris Chalifoux
Director of Communications - Lewis White

- Discussion with Director of Events of topics and locations of future meetings.
Chris Chalifoux announced the next meeting of the BMRCCUG will be at the Newton Marriott, and will be sponsored by Auspex Systems.

UCM will be the next topic to be discussed at the May meeting.

Feature Presentation - ClearCase UNIX/NT Interoperability Using Samba
Presented by David Darby and David Boyce

- Short Break @1845
- Drawing for two combination alarm clock and flashlights provided by Rational were won by Jarish Bagmar and Lewis White

1930 - Motion to adjourn by Karen Brown, Second by Dave Darby