Meeting called to order on November 28, 2000 at 1710, at Lucent Technology.

Old Business

New Business

1715 - Jim Herron of Island Training began the meeting with a presentation on Triggers and Clearcase 4.0. Topics covered included:
Trigger Security
Debugging Triggers
Unix and NT trigger interop
Trigger storage inside and outside of Clearcase

Labs were offered in addition to the presentation, but were declined by those in attendance in the interest of time.

Jim Herron committed to send out a list of Perl variables that can be used to aid in debugging and making triggers written in Perl more secure.

1820 - Next, Dave Darby of Clearguidance Consulting gave a presentation on Clearcase Performance Testing.
This presentation included a summary of results of performance testing between Sun and Baydel Clearcase VOB servers.

Dave was asked to provide his test data on the BMRCCUG web site.

1850 - General Clearcase Q&A

1920 - Brian O'Conner of NetApps was in attendance and offered white papers to the membership for their consideration.

1925 - Raffle was held for three t-shirts and a Palm Pilot. Dave Darby was the winner of the Palm Pilot.

1930 - BMRCCUG Vice President Kevin Pease notified the membership that elections for new officers/board members will be held in March 2001. Send email to President Jim Dunion if interested in running or nominating someone and a list of those interested will be published at the next meeting.

The next meeting of the BMRCCUG will be held at the offices of Sullivan and Cogliano.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was offered at 1940 with unanimous approval.

Notes: attendance was expected to be 30, about 50 showed.